Author Do Hyoung Lim, Young Hyuck Im, Sang Hoon Ji, Byeong Bae Park, Mi Jung Oh, Jee yun Lee, Keun Woo Park, Se Hoon Lee, Joon Oh Park, Ki hyun Kim, Won Seog Kim, Chul Won Jung, Young Suk Park, Won Ki Kang, Mark H Lee, Kwan mien Kim, Young Mog Shim, Keun chil Park
Place of duty 1Division of Hematology-Oncology, Department of Medicine, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, 2Division of Thoracic Surgery, Samsung Medical Center, Sungkyunkwan University School of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
Title Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma Recurring as a Solitary Renal Mass
Publicationinfo Cancer Research and Treatment 2004 Aug; 036(04): 271-273.
Key_word Esophageal carcinoma,Metastasis,Kidney
Abstract Herein, a case of solitary, unilateral renal metastasis in a patient with curatively resected thoracic esophageal carcinoma, who achieved a pathological complete remission after neoadjuvant concurrent chemoradiotherapy, is reported. The kidney is the 4th or 5th most common visceral metastasis site of a primary esophageal carcinoma. More than 50& of renal metastases typically show bilateral involvement. Solitary, unilateral renal metastasis is extremely rare. Renal metastases from a primary esophageal carcinoma are usually latent and its diagnosis is very unusual in a live patient. The solitary renal metastasis in this case was not accompanied by metastases to other sites. The value of a nephrectomy in solitary renal metastasis of esophageal cancer is not known due to the rarity of such cases. A nephrectomy could be justified in limited situations, such as with uncertainty of histological diagnosis, severe life-threatening hematuria, which cannot be controlled by embolization, or solitary renal metastasis with a long disease-free interval. (Cancer Research and Treatment 2004;36:271-274)